You will gain the following perks after purchasing the rank:
You will get a one Time reward of 1x Bloody emperor key And 1x Voting key
Ability to sell 5 items in the auction house (/ah)
Ability to set home 2x
Ability to have 2 vault /pv #
You will have access to the following commands after purchasing the rank:
/hat (place a block as a "hat" on top of your skin)
Ability to access /kit VIP
Kits Below
1 Iron Helmet
Enchants: Prot 4, Unbr. 3, Glowing 1
Name: Vip Helmet
1 Iron Chestplate
Enchants: Prot 4, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip Chestplate
1 Iron Leggings
Enchants: Prot 4, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip Leggings
1 Iron Boots
Enchants: Prot 4, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip Boots
1 Iron Sword
Enchants: Loot. 1, Sharp. 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip Sword
1 Iron Pickaxe
Enchants: Eff. 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip Pickaxe
1 Diamond Axe
Enchants: Eff. 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip Axe
1 Iron Shovel
Enchants: Eff. 3, Unbr. 3, Silk Touch
Name: Vip Shovel
10 Golden Apples (Not Notch Apples)
32 Bread
32 Steak
16 Coal
10 Diamonds
10 Iron
2 Debris
10 Gold
10 Pearls
2 Echo Shards
1 Recovery Compass
1 Armor Trim (Wayfinder)
16 Bookshelves
2 Nametags
32 Oak Logs
20 XP Bottles
1 Upgrade Template
1 Enchantment Table
You will gain the following perks after purchasing the rank:
You will get a one Time reward of 1x Bloody emperor key And 3x Voting key
Ability to sell 7 items in the auction house (/ah)
Ability to set home 3x
Ability to have 3 vault /pv
You will have access to the following commands after purchasing the rank:
/hat (place a block as a "hat" on top of your skin)
You have Acess to all Commands and Kits from Previous rank
Ability to access /kit vip+
Kit contents Below
1 Diamond Pickaxe
Enchants: Eff. 5, Fort. 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip+ Pickaxe
1 Diamond Sword
Enchants: Sharp. 4, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip+ Sword
1 Diamond Axe
Enchants: Eff. 5, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip+ Axe
1 Iron Shovel
Enchants: Eff. 5, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip+ Shovel
1 Diamond Helmet
Enchants: Prot 4, Thorns 3, Unbr. 3, Glowing 1
Name: Vip+ Helmet
1 Iron Chestplate
Enchants: Prot 4, Thorns 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip+ Chestplate
1 Diamond Leggings
Enchants: Prot 4, Thorns 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip+ Leggings
1 Iron Boots
Enchants: Prot 4, Thorns 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Vip+ Boots
20 Gold
20 Iron
16 Pearls
20 Diamonds
32 Coal
32 Bookshelves
1 Enchantment Table
64 Bread
4 Nametags
20 Golden Apples (Not Notch Apples)
1 Upgrade Template
1 Armor Trim (Spire)
1 Recovery Compass
64 Steak
4 Echo Shards
32 XP Bottles
4 Debris
You will gain the following perks after purchasing the rank:
You will get a one Time reward of 3x Bloody emperor key And 5x Voting key
Ability to sell 10 items in the auction house (/ah)
Ability to set home 4x
Ability to have 3 vault /pv
Ability to access /kit elite
You will have access to the following commands after purchasing the rank:
/hat (place a block as a "hat" on top of your skin)
/fix (non-enchanted items)
Access to /Kit Elite
Kit Contents Below
1 Diamond Sword
Enchants: Sharp. 5, Unbr. 3
Name: Elite Sword
1 Diamond Axe
Enchants: Eff. 5, Unbr. 3
Name: Elite Axe
1 Diamond Pickaxe
Enchants: Eff. 5, Fort. 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Elite Pickaxe
1 Diamond Shovel
Enchants: Eff. 5, Unbr. 3
Name: Elite Shovel
1 Diamond Helmet
Enchants: Prot 4, Thorns 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Elite Helmet
1 Diamond Chestplate
Enchants: Prot 4, Thorns 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Elite Chestplate
1 Diamond Leggings
Enchants: Prot 4, Thorns 3, Unbr. 3
Name: Elite Leggings
1 Diamond Boots
Enchants: Prot 4, Thorns 3, Unbr. 3
Name Elite Boots
1 Enchantment Table
64 Gold
64 Iron
64 Diamonds
5 Netherite
64 Golden Apples (Not Notch Apples)
64 Coal Blocks
1 Armor Trim (Snout)
1 Upgrade Template
16 Pearls
3 Recovery Compasses
8 Echo Shards
64 Steaks
8 Nametags
64 Bread
64 XP Bottles
64 Bookshelves
You will gain the following perks after purchasing the rank:
You will get a one Time reward of 5x Bloody emperor key And 8x Voting key
Ability to sell 12 items in the auction house (/ah)
Ability to set home 5x
Ability to have 4 vault /pv
Ability to access /kit hero
You will have access to the following commands after purchasing the rank:
/hat (place a block as a "hat" on top of your skin)
/fix (non-enchanted and enchanted items)
Access to /Fly
Access to /Kit Hero
Kit contents below
1 Netherite Sword
Enchants: Fire. 1, Loot. 2, Sharp. 5, Unbr. 4
Name: Hero Sword
1 Netherite Shovel
Enchants: Eff. 5, Silk Touch, Unbr. 4
Name: Hero Shovel
1 Diamond Pickaxe
Enchants: Eff. 6, Fort. 4, Unbr. 4
Name: Hero Pickaxe
1 Diamond Axe
Enchants: Eff. 6, Fort. 3, Unbr. 4
Name: Hero Axe
96 Diamonds
128 Coal Blocks
64 Gold
64 Iron
10 Netherite
64 Golden Apples (Not Notch Apples)
16 Notch Apples
64 Steak
16 Pearls
1 Upgrade Template
1 Armor Trim (Ward)
5 Recovery Compasses
128 XP Bottles
16 Nametags
1 Netherite Helmet
Enchants: Aqua, Fire Prot. 3, Prot 6, Thorns 4, Unbr. 4
Name: Hero Helmet
1 Diamond Chestplate
Enchants: Fire Prot. 3, Prot 6, Thorns 4, Unbr. 4
Name: Hero Chestplate
1 Netherite Leggings
Enchants: Fire Prot. 3, Prot 6, Thorns 4, Unbr. 4
Name: Hero Leggings
1 Diamond Boots
Enchants: Depth. 3, Fire Prot. 3, Prot 6, Thorns 4, Unbr. 4
Name Hero Boots
You will gain the following perks after purchasing the rank:
Ability to sell 15 items in the auction house (/ah)
Ability to set home 6x
Ability to have 5 vault /pv
Ability to access /kit legend
You will have access to the following commands after purchasing the rank:
/hat (place a block as a "hat" on top of your skin)
/fix (non-enchanted items) and ability to do /fixall
Access to /Fly
Access to /kit Legend
Kit Contents Below